Crime Scene Entry Log

Image result for crime scene entry logThe crime scene entry log usually comes straight after the first attending officer has secured the crime scene. Once the first attending officer is happy that the scene is safe and secure they will stand at the entrance to the crime scene holding the crime scene entry log, the log is used to record anyone who enters the scene, why they are entering the scene and the time at which they entered the crime scene. By doing this procedure it ensures that only authorized personnel are able to enter the crime scene which limits the chance of tampering and contamination taking place which as a whole makes the scene more secure.

OJ Simpson

In the OJ Simpson case where OJ allegedly killed Nicole Simpson and Ronald Goldman there was no crime scene entry log used by the first attending officer who was Robert Riske. As the SOCO team arrived at the scene they did not have to give any information into the first attending officer as they were not standing in the entrance to the crime scene, this was because of the poor job they did securing the scene which meant that the media were able to enter to take photographs of the bodies, this meant that instead of operating the crime scene entry log Riske and Terrazas were trying to get the media out of the scene, there was also no briefing between the officers and the SOCO team, this led to them collecting evidence that had already been contaminated by officers Riske and Terrazas as they could not explain what had happened with the media until after the scenes of crime officers had already collected the evidence.

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