Initial Response to Reported Crime

The initial response is a very important stage in the investigation process as it can determine how the rest of the investigation will play out as well as who will be suspected of the crime. The initial response is where the police are either given a description of what the person has witnessed or heard, or where the first attending officer reports what he can see and the severity of the crime that has been committed. In general the initial response usually takes place shortly after the crime has been committed and involves two people, the person who is reporting to the police that the crime has been committed and a member of the police force who deals with incoming calls from the public. what happens is the person who has came across the crime that is been committed contacts the police (this is usually done by phone), from here the police can get a lot of information about the crime such as the location of where the crime took place, if anyone has been injured or killed and what type of crime that has been committed. This information then gives the police an idea of the crime that has took place before they have even seen the crime scene which will save time when they get there as they will already have a brief understanding of what has happened. The initial response is also used to inform police that a crime has been committed so they can get to the scene as fast as possible to see if there is a chance to catch or trace the offender.

OJ Simpson:

Image result for nicole simpson houseOn the twelfth of June 1994 Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman where found dead in Nicole's home in Brentwood, Los Angeles. The first people to notify the police of the crime were Nicole Simpsons neighbors, they heard her dog which was an Akita named Kato. The first person to see the dog was a man named Steven Schwab who noticed the the dogs paws where covered in blood, Kato then followed Schwab around the neighborhood until he decided to take the dog back to where he found it, it was at this point where Nicole's neighbors (Sukaru Boztepe and Bettina Rasmussen) came out as they knew the dog. The dog then lead the couple to the house at which the crime scene took place, this is when they saw that Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman had been killed, they discovered their bodies shortly after midnight. They then immediately phoned the police but they did not arrive at the crime scene till around 5 am.

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